Speed limits in Fort Myers, Florida, are put in place to avoid unnecessary accidents. They are not suggestions and should be treated as fundamental to road safety. The speed limit is there for a reason, usually to avoid danger or potential threat. The speed limit should always be adhered to, especially when it comes to road and highway safety. Not driving according to the posted speed limit not only endangers you and fellow motorists but pedestrians as well.
If you have been involved in a car accident in Fort Myers as a result of speeding or because someone else has disobeyed the speed limit set out by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, then you will require the services of an attorney.
In this event, call The Law Place on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation with one of our Fort Myers car accident lawyers.
Speeding Laws in Fort Myers, FL
Florida Statute 316.183 outlines that drivers in Florida are not privy to driving at a speed limit that is more than what is reasonable or fair. It should be noted that factors such as weather, road closures, or detours, for example, would inflict further cautionary measures. In which case, drivers should know to slow down and proceed accordingly. Drivers are urged to use caution when approaching unfamiliar or uncommon situations on the road, especially where speed limits are concerned.
The speed limits in Florida are easy to understand. If you see a sign that says “40 miles per hour,” it means drivers are not permitted to drive faster than this. If caught, failure to follow the rules carries a hefty fine and, in some cases, other penalties. More information on fines and felonies with regards to traffic violations can be reviewed in Florida Statute 775.083. Drivers breaking speed limit laws can receive demerits on their driving record and may have to attend a special driving school as a part of their punishment.
Reasons Why People Speed in Fort Myers
Speeding, albeit dangerous, is one of the most common driver behaviors found on the roads in Florida. People speed for various reasons, including but not limited to:
- Being late for appointments, work, scheduled meetings and etc. Some drivers might want to “make up time” on the road and speed in order to do this.
- Backed up roads can cause people to speed once on the open or freed up road, in an attempt to make up lost time where they might have been sitting in traffic.
- Driving while intoxicated is commonly associated with speeding, as drivers are a lot more likely to be reckless while under the influence.
- Total ignorance of the law and others. A driver can decide to put their needs ahead of others and speed recklessly to get to their destination, breaking many posted speed limit signs and other traffic rules. People in this type of situation often think they will not be caught or held accountable if caught.
- Facelessness. In a car, drivers are often not recognizable due to obscured vision, and therefore drivers may feel that they are able to get away with poor behavior simply because they think people won’t be able to identify them.
If you feel that you have perhaps been in an incident as in one of the above scenarios, you may be eligible to apply for compensation. At The Law Place, we will be able to represent you. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation. We pride ourselves on our impeccable attorney-client relationship with everyone we work with.
Car Accidents Caused Due to Speeding in Florida
As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, one-third of car accidents in Florida are caused because of speeding. Some of these accidents result in serious fatalities. Speeding hinders the driver’s ability in many ways. Some examples of this include:
- Increased distance required to stop the vehicle – Driving at an increased speed means that you will need more space on the road to stop as your car is traveling fast.
- Losing control – It is much easier and more frequently seen to lose control of your car if you are speeding as the car is much more sensitive to responses. Simple turns or slight movements can send the car into a much more impactful, unexpected maneuver.
- Protective gear is rendered ineffective – For example, airbags might not respond in time or serve their purpose if driving too fast.
- Increased severity when car accidents do happen – If one or more vehicles are speeding and end up in an accident, the results are likely to be more damaging as speed increases potential impact and, ultimately, the fatalities sustained.
From the above, we can see that accidents occurring as a result of one or more people speeding can be quite damaging for those involved, sometimes leading to major personal injury. It is always recommended that one drives the posted speed limits at all times in Florida and elsewhere in the world.
If you have been in an accident as a result of someone else speeding and not adhering to the speed limit, you will need the services of an accredited law firm. Our attorney-client privilege is like no other, and you will receive the best care for your case in Florida. Suffering a personal injury is no small thing, and you deserve to receive compensation. You can call The Law Place today for a free consultation.
Types of Injuries People in Car Accidents Can Sustain
People who are involved in car accidents can often sustain injuries. These injuries can sometimes be more severe, depending on whether or not driving was above the recommended speed limit. Types of common injuries occurring as a result include:
- Head injuries, including any injury to the brain.
- Neck injury.
- Injuries to the spinal region.
- Loss of limbs in any way.
- Injury causing changes to the face or ability to recognize your face.
- Any sort of sprain, cut, scratch, or bruise.
- Fractures and or broken bones.
- Any internal injury, such as internal bleeding.
- Wrongful death.
Failing to abide by the road rules and neglecting to follow the speed limit can have devastating consequences. If you or a loved one are in a situation where you might need legal counsel, please consider contacting The Law Place. We offer the best in the business when it comes to attorney-client relationships and would love to help you get the compensation you deserve.
Damages Commonly Won in Speed Limit Cases
When people ignore the speed limit, they put others and themselves at risk. If you have been in a speeding accident, you will likely receive compensation in one or more of the following areas:
- Expenses as a result of seeking medical treatment.
- Repair to any damage to your property from the accident.
- Lost earning potential.
- Mental or emotional health.
- Loss of a family member(s) or loved one.
Seek the help of a trusted law firm today to represent you if you need help in a case after being injured in an accident as a result of speeding.
Call The Law Place, Fort Myers Today
Being in any sort of accident is a traumatic and awful occurrence. Even if you take all the necessary precautions, sadly, if others are not doing the same and acting in a responsible manner, the results can be devastating. Sometimes accidents happen with other vehicles, with trucks, cyclists, motorbikes, and pedestrians. Whatever the nature of the accident, it is still an ordeal for all involved.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident because of speeding, then you may be in a position to file for a lawsuit. Speeding should not be tolerated, and you should not have to suffer as a result of reckless actions. The Law Place in Fort Myers can be of assistance should you need the expertise of a Fort Myers personal injury attorney.
Contact us today on (941) 444-4444, and get the best advice.