With over two-hundred-million licensed drivers on the roads of the United States in 2019, it is no surprise that a car accident is one of the most common sources of personal injury claims in Sarasota, FL. If you are a driver who has been injured in a car accident that was not your fault in the past four years, you could be entitled to compensation for the damages you received while driving. Even if you were only partially at fault, we could help you negotiate Florida’s comparative fault laws.
The extent to which drivers are injured in Sarasota car accidents varies greatly, and our experienced team of lawyers approaches all cases with drive and tenacity. Whether you were only minorly injured, incurred a serious injury, were traumatized, or suffered from property damage, a lawyer from The Law Place in Sarasota can help you.
The team at our law firm is highly experienced and knowledgeable in personal injury law and willing to help in all cases where an injured driver was not at fault. Our office lines are always open to schedule a free consultation and free case evaluation with an attorney or to ask any questions you may have, all at no obligation.
If you were a driver injured by someone else at fault, call our Sarasota office today at (941) 444-4444.
What Are Some Common Causes of Accidents for Sarasota Car Drivers?
There are many ways a Sarasota car driver might become involved in an accident that was not their fault. The fault may lie with another driver or simply be the result of bad luck or environmental issues.
A list of causes commonly seen by our car accident lawyers would include:
- Harsh or extreme weather conditions.
- Design defects or car malfunctions.
- Reckless driving or speeding from the other, at-fault, driver.
- Distracted driving, perhaps due to using a mobile phone, by the other, at-fault, driver.
- Inexperienced teenage learner drivers.
- Encountering an intoxicated driver.
- Potholes or other maintenance issues with the road.
This is a non-exhaustive list of past cases likely seen by the average Sarasota car accident lawyer.
No matter what the circumstance, if you have sustained a minor injury, serious injury, or property damage due to a car accident that was not your fault, we can help you. If you have any other questions or would like to speak directly to a car accident lawyer who could help you, call us today.
What Kind of Injuries Are a Common Result of Sarasota Auto Accidents?
As there is a huge range of situations that can result in a car accident, so too are there a range of possible injuries that could be sustained. The vehicles involved, speed of travel, weather, and road conditions, among many other factors, can make a huge difference in the level of severity.
While it is possible to receive only minor injuries from a car accident, a study by the U.S. National Library of Medicine identified over 70% of all chest traumas as being caused by car accidents.
Some of the most common examples of personal injuries resulting from a car accident in Sarasota are as follows:
- Cuts, lacerations, bruises, and other abrasions to the skin.
- Tissue damage and internal bleeding.
- Broken or fractured bones. These can range in severity from a simple break that will take weeks to heal to complex spiral fractures that can permanently impact mobility.
- Head and brain injuries. These are especially dangerous as they can lead to comas or even potentially life-long complications, such as cognitive impairment and mobility issues.
- Whiplash, neck injuries, and other injuries to the spinal cord. Again, these can lead to permanent mobility issues or even paralysis in some cases.
- Scarring and disfigurement.
If you have received any of the above injuries, or any other physical injury not mentioned above, it is highly likely that you are entitled to compensation for your auto accident.
For more information, answers to your questions, or an evaluation of the worth of your claim, get in contact with our legal team today. We have the tenacity, experience, and knowledge to fight for our clients.
Is It Worth Hiring A Car Accident Lawyer?
Whilst you may be technically able to seek compensation alone, both the win rates and the compensation payouts are much higher on average if you seek the help of an attorney to fight for you.
Related Article: Is It Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?
What About Non-Physical Injuries Incurred by a Sarasota Auto Accident?
It is certainly true that many of the more traumatic results of the average car accident can be injuries that are strictly non-physical.
In many cases, memories of car accidents or their resultant healing processes can leave victims with lasting trauma. This can greatly impact your day-to-day life and can be a source of potential compensation for personal injury clients.
Common psychological results from car accidents in Sarasota include:
- General emotional distress.
- Anxiety surrounding roads or car travel in general. This may prevent you from getting back behind the wheel of a vehicle or cause difficulty in day-to-day necessities such as crossing the street.
- Difficulty sleeping, night-time disturbances, insomnia, or night terrors.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which may include visceral flashbacks of the car accident.
- Loss of life enjoyment.
Again, a free consultation with the personal injury lawyers at The Law Place is the best way to find out how much compensation your psychological damage deserves.
Your free consultation will be entirely covered by the confidentiality of the attorney-client relationship and be at absolutely no obligation. There is nothing to lose, so contact us today to start moving forward together. A car accident attorney will be able to answer all of your questions.
What Damages Can I Collect For A Car Accident?
If you have been the victim of a severe Sarasota car accident, there are many consequences you could be dealing with.
Often these damages, in all of their various physical, psychological, and financial forms, can leave you feeling trapped and overwhelmed. Luckily, the Sarasota car accident lawyers at The Law Place have a wealth of experience reclaiming compensation for these complications.
In the sections that follow, we will discuss the different types of compensation commonly available after a car accident and their various details and intricacies.
Related Article: What Damages Can I Collect for a Car Accident?
Claiming for Medical Bills in Florida
Unfortunately, in America, the main problem with physical injuries is that they very rarely end at their physical results.
As you are most likely all too aware, medical bills – even with the appropriate level of insurance – can quickly turn a serious injury into financial devastation.
As such, your car accident attorney can help you to reclaim the money that your medical bills cost you.
Insurance companies may try to squeeze out of their obligation to reimburse you for your medical bills. To make it easier for your car accident attorney to win the maximum level of compensation for you, there are several things you can do.
These include ensuring that you retain all the relevant documentation and billing from your medical procedures.
It is also a good idea to take photographs of your injuries. This should be done several times: immediately following the accident, following medical treatment, and at each noticeable step in the healing process.
Claiming for Income Lost Due to the Recovery Process Following Your Sarasota Car Accident
Another factor that can complicate the financial implications of an auto accident is lost income. While you are recovering from physical injuries or medical treatment, you may be unable to attend your job as usual and therefore be unable to earn money.
This is something that often combines with the overall cost of medical care to leave people in financial ruin.
If you intend to claim lost income due to your recovery process, we can help to safeguard the strength of your claim. You can do this by retaining any correspondence with your employer that you may have had concerning time spent off work.
However, financial anxiety should not deter you from securing representation from Sarasota car accident lawyers with a suitable level of skill and experience. With our help, your compensation can get your head above water once again.
You stand the best chance of receiving the highest level of compensation by starting your legal journey right now. Call our Sarasota office today to get the ball rolling.
Claiming for Pain and Suffering in Florida
While it may sound vague, pain and suffering is the legal language used to encompass the various possible extra implications of a personal injury.
There are many potential avenues for pain and suffering compensation. These will vary on a case-by-case basis but are usually determined by looking at the length of your recovery process and the overall pain level involved.
Pain and suffering compensation also covers any lasting complications in your life. If you have received a physical handicap, mobility issues, serious life-altering injuries, or brain damage, it is highly likely you will be eligible for this type of compensation.
The same is true for any lasting mental complications associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, general car-related trauma, or mental and emotional issues brought about by a head injury incurred in your car accident.
Claiming for Property Damage in Florida
Your car accident attorney is not limited to helping you achieve compensation for physical and mental damages because of your accident. They can also help you to claim any property that was damaged in the accident.
Primarily, this means any damage to the vehicle you were driving at the time of the accident. However, it can be extended to any other personal valuables that were in the vehicle at the time of the accident and were damaged. This is a great way of reducing the general financial burden associated with being involved in a car accident.
If you have any specific questions concerning property damage received during a driving accident, call our office to speak to a Sarasota car accident lawyer today.
Claiming for the Loss of a Loved One in Florida
In a worst-case scenario, it is entirely possible that you may lose someone you love to a car accident.
This may be a car accident you were involved in, or perhaps you were not in the vehicle when your spouse or family member was fatally injured. It does not matter; a Sarasota car accident attorney can help you file a wrongful death claim either way.
While we know that no amount of money will fix the incredible trauma of losing someone close to you, it can help to ease the various financial stresses involved and help you focus on the mourning process.
How Is Wrongful Death Defined in Legal Terms in Florida?
You might be wondering whether you are eligible for a wrongful death lawsuit even if the crash was entirely accidental.
As a term, wrongful death is legally defined as any death that was caused by the wrongful actions of another person. Wrongful actions can be either accidental or intentional damage. Whether someone failed to see the vehicle in question or if they were at fault for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you are still entitled to make a wrongful death claim.
While it may conjure ideas of charging someone for murder, which is no easy process to go through, wrongful death claims actually work much differently. Instead of being covered by criminal law, they are civil lawsuits.
This means that the consequences will be measured in terms of financial compensation instead of resulting in a prison sentence. It also means that the burden of proof will be lower than in a criminal case, where the prosecution would have to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
What Factors Are Covered by a Wrongful Death Claim in Sarasota?
There are several different factors that are taken into consideration when calculating the value of a wrongful death claim case.
One of the main deciding factors is calculated by looking at the financial implications of your loved one’s death. The foremost of these is usually lost wages. Your car accident lawyer will help you to achieve compensation comparable to the lost income your spouse would have contributed to the household.
Additionally, one factor that is often only considered too late by those who have lost a loved one is the cost of funerary and burial expenses. These are all too often a large and surprising amount of money. A wrongful death claim can go towards covering the expenditure on these.
The irreparable damage to your household dynamic will also be considered in the case of the death of a loved one. Your compensation will consider the lost emotional support and comfort provided by a spouse. It will also consider the implication of the loss of a parent if there are any children in the family, as they have been wrongfully deprived of a relationship with this person.
Which Relations to a Person Are Able to Claim for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Florida?
There are many ways to know and love a person who has been lost in a car accident. You may be wondering which relations exactly are eligible to make a legal claim for wrongful death.
The details of who can make a claim in Florida are covered in Florida Statute 768.21. This statute sets out the fact that the only person who can file a wrongful death claim is the person known as the personal representative of the deceased.
In a typical situation, the personal representative will be the person who is designated as such in the will of the person who lost their life because of the car accident. However, if the deceased had yet to create a will, the usual process of the court is to designate the spouse of the deceased as their personal representative. If the person lacked both a will and spouse, the court would usually put the decision over to the remaining eligible family members to decide amongst themselves who wishes to be the victim’s personal representative. They will then communicate on behalf of the family.
Only spouses, children, and parents of the deceased victim are automatically eligible to file for a wrongful death case. However, siblings or any other blood relative of the victim who was designated as their dependent would also be eligible to file for wrongful death.
Filing for wrongful death can seem like a hugely intimidating and complex process, especially when combined with processing the loss of someone close to you. However, it doesn’t have to be difficult or taxing. The Sarasota car accident attorneys at The Law Place can help you with the entire process and handle all of the difficult work, leaving you with the time and security you need.
To get the process of claiming for the wrongful death of your loved one started, contact our Sarasota office in the State of Florida. All it takes is one call to secure much-needed support and to receive answers to any anxiety-inducing questions you may have.
How Long do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?
The statute of limitations describes the period of time that is able to elapse before you lose your right to file a personal injury claim in an accident lawsuit.
In Sarasota, FL., like the rest of Florida, the statute of limitations for car accident claims is four years. This period begins from the exact date that the auto accident occurred.
If you have had a car accident in the last four years, you are still entitled to seek compensation for your injuries or any other damages you received.
If you are coming to the end of this four-year period, you should ensure that you seek the help of Sarasota car accident lawyers as soon as possible. Call our Sarasota office with any questions or to arrange a consultation with an attorney.
Related Article: How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit After a Car Accident?
Are There Any Exceptions or Variations to the Statute of Limitations in Florida?
As with much of Florida law, there are various intricacies and complexities that can easily catch you out and render you unable to claim. This is why the support of car accident lawyers with a wealth of experience is so important.
One such exception in Sarasota, FL., is wrongful death claims. As we have just discussed in the sections above, a wrongful death claim is used to seek compensation when you have lost a loved one to an accident that was not their fault.
The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims sits at a period of two years, rather than the Florida standard of four years for personal injury claims. The information regarding this is set out in full legal detail in Florida Statute 95.11.
If you have any questions or for more information, help, and advice about filing a wrongful death claim within this two-year window, get in touch with the car accident lawyers at our law firm. The lawyers at The Law Place have a history of fighting to maximize the compensation of those who have been affected by a motor vehicle fatality in Sarasota County.
Can I Sue Someone Personally After A Car Accident?
You have the legal right to take action against a driver who caused you damages sue them under Florida law. Usually, the damages will be covered by the other parties’ insurance. However, in some circumstances, it is also possible to sue the driver personally. The laws are complex, and you should contact The Law Place and seek advice on your specific case.
Related Article: Can I Sue Someone Personally After a Car Accident?
What Happens If The At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?
If your damages exceed your policy limits and you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, then it will be more difficult for you to seek compensation. You may be able to sue the at-fault driver personally, but this is dependent on how much wealth they have. A car accident attorney can determine if the uninsured driver has any assets such as property or investments that could be used to obtain the payment you deserve.
Furthermore, there may be another party involved who may be liable, such as if there was a damaged road. Contact The Law Place to find out if you have a case.
Related Article: What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn’t Have Car Insurance?
Who Can Be Sued in a Car Accident Case?
In Florida, you may be able to sue the at-fault driver or their insurance company to obtain your damages. But depending on the circumstances of your case, there may be other parties who are liable. I.e., a car manufacturer, a mechanic, or someone responsible for maintaining the roads.
Related Article: Who Can Be Sued in a Car Accident Case?
When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, especially if the accident involved serious injuries or fatalities, even taking the first step of contacting a law firm to fight your corner can feel overwhelming.
However, the best time to reach out to a Sarasota County lawyer is right now. Even outside of the considerations of the statute of limitations, there are several factors that mean that the more time you give your attorney to prepare for your case, the greater the amount of compensation you are likely to receive.
Related Article: When Should You Get a Lawyer for a Car Accident?
Why Is It Important to Make Claims for Auto Accidents as Quickly as Possible in Florida?
There are many reasons why it is important to move as quickly as possible in a motor vehicle accident case.
Obviously, since you have been through the trauma of a car accident that has related injuries and damages, you want to maximize the amount of compensation you can get from your insurance company.
The following sections will answer questions concerning why the speed you file your claim is so important in a personal injury accident case.
The Collection of Evidence Surrounding Your Florida Car Accident Case
Unfortunately, one of the main things standing in the way of attaining the maximum level of compensation in a car accident case is insurance companies.
Insurance companies will usually do whatever is in their power to lower the amount they have to pay out for a motor vehicle accident, even if this accident involved serious injuries or extensive medical expenses.
As such, it is important to get as much firm evidence and as many testimonials surrounding the car accident case as is possible. Each piece of evidence will help to make your claim more secure and maximize the amount of compensation your attorneys can win for you.
Each day that you do not file a claim with a law firm following your car accident, the chance of evidence becoming lost increases. The evidence of damages at the scene of the accident will become unavailable, tire tracks/ skids may wash away, and damaged road signs or fences may be repaired quickly.
Additionally, the testimonials of those involved in the accident or driving by at the time are equally important. With each passing day, these drivers may become harder to locate and contact.
As such, we encourage all prospective clients to begin their legal journey as swiftly as possible. With our help, you can quickly get the evidence required to build you the most solid case possible, collected rapidly before it has a chance to become lost.
If you have any additional questions about the way our investigation and evidence collection process work, contact our office today.
Racing Florida Insurance Company Attorneys to Collect Evidence and Driver Testimonies
There is another incredibly important reason to begin your Sarasota, FL., car accident case as quickly as possible.
This is because you are highly unlikely to be the only person involved in the accident with a legal team on the ground. Insurance companies almost always have a retainer of highly experienced lawyers and claims adjusters at the ready to try to ensure that they pay you out the lowest amount of compensation possible.
If anyone else involved in the accident is legally savvy, especially if they were the one at fault, they are also likely to have lawyers working on a case as well.
This means that the collection of evidence related to your accident case, including driver testimonials, essentially becomes a race to build a more solid case than that created by the insurance companies.
To ensure that no insurance company compromises on your right to justice and compensation in the event of a Sarasota car accident, call The Law Place car accident attorneys today for a free consultation.
What Obligations Do You Have to Your Insurance Company Following a Sarasota County Car Accident?
As we have just discussed, insurance companies should be considered your opponent in relation to maximizing your compensatory claim.
However, this, unfortunately, does not mean that you don’t have any legal obligations to your insurance company. Failing to adhere to these obligations can also mean serious damages to the amount of money you can expect.
After a Sarasota car accident, you must report the event to your insurance company within a specified time frame. This is usually a window of 24 hours from the exact time of the car accident, but it may vary from insurance company to insurance company.
The Tricks Florida Insurance Companies Employ to Lower the Pay Out for Your Damages
Since you must call your insurance company to report an accident within a period that may be as short as 24 hours, it is best to be fully aware of the tricks they employ to help them lower your maximum level of compensation.
One of the best tools in the arsenals of insurance companies is tricking you into divulging unnecessary information during this obligatory phone call. This is often especially easy for them, as you may still be extremely shaken and traumatized from the accident itself. This is especially true if there were serious injuries, huge medical expenses, or fatalities involved in the car accident.
Any information obtained by insurance companies during this phone call can be used to lower the worth of your claim. Anything you say can be taken out of context by the highly skilled and experienced attorneys employed by insurance companies in Sarasota, FL. They may use it to attempt to dispute the extent of your injuries or imply you were at fault when you were not.
Car accident attorneys specialize in helping you avoid the various pitfalls laid out by an insurance company. The attorneys at The Law Place have been serving Sarasota County clients for years and are well aware of the various tricks available to an insurance company.
Don’t let technicalities or trickery impact your right to compensatory justice. Call our Sarasota office for a free consultation and free case evaluation, complete with advice, and help on how to deal with insurance companies. Don’t move forward with questions. Get the answers you need today.
Will My Car Accident Lawyer Deal With The Insurance Companies For Me?
Once you agree to representation from The Law Place, we will deal with the insurance companies on your behalf. This takes away a lot of stress and protects you from accidentally incriminating yourself or lowering the value of your settlement.
Related Article: Will My Car Accident Lawyer Deal with the Insurance Companies for Me?
How Much Should You Settle for After a Car Accident?
It is often the case that following this obligatory call to your insurance company, they will offer you a settlement for the personal injury and damages you received.
Often the settlement offered by insurance companies can seem reasonable, especially when you consider that it will take a lot less work than filing a claim. However, it is important to remember that this settlement has been offered tactically by your insurance company. They are not interested in paying you the maximum amount of compensation but instead ensuring that they pay out the minimum amount for your damages.
A Sarasota car accident lawyer is much more likely to be able to help you achieve a level of compensation that is in line with what you deserve.
If you were injured while driving in the last four years and lack representation from an experienced lawyer, call our Sarasota office as soon as possible. Once you get in contact, we can offer you a free case evaluation and free consultation and answer any questions you may have.
Don’t assume the settlement offered by your insurance company is your best possible outcome. Let us demonstrate why this is false.
Related Article: How Much Should You Settle for After a Car Accident?
What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?
What Can I Do to Protect My Rights After a Car Accident?
If you were injured while driving, outside of making a call to secure representation from a lawyer, there are still many things that you can do to ensure you are paid the highest possible level of compensation.
In the following sections, we will cover what drivers involved in accidents can do for themselves to help to build a solid set of evidence for their car accident case.
What Should I do at The Scene of a Car Accident?
One of the most important things drivers involved in accidents can do to secure solid evidence is to take photographs at various key stages in the post-accident process.
Luckily, in the modern world, most of us always have access to a high-quality camera in the form of our mobile phones. You can take advantage of this to snap irrefutable evidence at each stage of your recovery process.
If you can, you should take photographs of everything at the scene following your car accident. Of course, it may not always be possible to do this comprehensively. You may have suffered serious injuries that require prioritization. You may also be too shaken by the trauma of the car accident to be thinking rationally enough to take photographs.
However, if you are able to take photographs, it may be a serious help in the claims process. This includes photographs of your injuries, cars belonging to other drivers involved in the accident, tire skid marks on the road, damages to the surroundings, and anything else you feel may be relevant to your case. We would advise all prospective clients to take these photographs from multiple angles. All of this information can be used by your attorneys to prove the severity of your claim to your insurance company.
Additionally, you should take photographs of your injuries at every stage. This includes prior to medical treatment, after medical treatment, and then at every significant step in the process of your injury healing.
Related Article: What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car Accident?
Collecting the Contact Details of Other Drivers Involved in and Surrounding Your Florida Car Accident
Another key thing to do at the scene of the accident is to acquire the contact details of every eyewitness possible. While you are legally obliged to get the contact and insurance details of everyone involved in the accident, these additional details can help to provide key evidence related to your case.
We would advise you, at a bare minimum, to attempt to acquire the following things from the drivers who witnessed your accident:
- The full name of all of the drivers involved or having witnessed the accident.
- The contact telephone number of all drivers involved or having witnessed the accident.
- The registration plate number of all drivers involved or having witnessed the accident.
These details will be a powerful tool in the arsenal of your personal injury lawyer. We will be able to call these drivers on your behalf to ask relevant questions and collect essential eyewitness evidence. Our law firm often works in conjunction with private investigators who can use this information to increase the speed and efficiency of their investigations.
What Should I do in the Days Following a Car Accident?
The final point in our checklist of self-collected evidence for those who were injured in an accident while driving is retaining all relevant documentation. These documents can be key to proving your entitlement to reimbursement for medical expenses and lost wages in the event of a car accident.
There are many different types of documentation that can help maximize compensation for injured drivers.
First, we will discuss evidence of medical expenses. It is important that you keep all bills, receipts, and official communications related to medical expenses due to your injury. This will ensure that the insurance company is unable to challenge the amount you are owed for medical expenses in any way.
Secondly, it is also important to retain all correspondence with your employer if you were forced to take time off work to recover from your injury. With this documentation, whether it be letters or emails, you are collecting the evidence necessary to demonstrate your lost wages.
Lastly, you should also retain all correspondence with your insurance company following a car accident. You should always ensure that you have written evidence of any agreement made with an insurance company. It is worth noting that we would not recommend making any agreement with your insurance company without seeking the advice of a lawyer first.
If you have any questions or would like to receive a free case evaluation or free consultation, call our office in Sarasota, Florida, at your earliest convenience.
Related Article: What Should I Do in the Days Following a Car Accident?
Reaching a Settlement With Your Insurance Company Without an Attorney in Florida
While we would never recommend attempting to reach a settlement with your insurance company without the assistance of a Florida, personal injury lawyer, it is still possible. As an honest and ethical law firm, we would like to ensure that you have all the information necessary in the event that you choose to do this.
If you have retained all of the documentation and evidence listed above, you should be ready to negotiate a settlement. However, when dealing with car accidents, it is important that you allow any injury full recovery time. It is often the case that an injury could cause further complications in the future, and if you negotiate a settlement before it has fully healed, you could miss out on compensation for complications you had not been expecting. For serious injuries incurred in car accidents, we would highly recommend getting a doctor to confirm your recovery diagnosis before you settle a claim.
What Is The Average Settlement for a Car Accident?
It is almost impossible to say what the average settlement is for a car accident, as each case is unique. If you want the maximum amount of compensation, then seek legal representation from The Law Place.
Car accident attorneys are highly experienced in knowing how much is the appropriate level of compensation to settle for. However, if you are attempting to negotiate a settlement without a lawyer, you will have to come up with a figure that you think is fair on your own.
After you have gathered all of the relevant evidence, bills, and documentation related to your damages and injuries, it is time to formulate a total. You should calculate the total cost of any medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. You should then multiply this by an amount that you believe is equal to the amount of pain and suffering you have received as a result of your car accident. Luckily, many helpful online calculators exist that can help you to establish a realistic number for this.
Finally, without the help of attorneys, you should be aware that insurance companies very rarely accept your initial figure in the State of Florida. You should be prepared for the process of negotiation. In most cases, it will take a large amount of work to find a figure that works for both parties.
If all of this sounds daunting, that is because it should. The best way to ensure a driver receives the appropriate level of compensation for their injuries is to employ an experienced lawyer. We have been serving Sarasota car accident victims for years and know the ins and outs of achieving the maximum level of compensation for your claim.
Related Article: What Is the Average Settlement for a Car Accident?
How Long Does A Car Accident Claim Take To Settle?
There is no straightforward answer to this question. Many things can affect how long it takes to settle a case, such as how serious the injuries are, how many people are involved in your case, how clear liability is, the availability of the judge, and whether your case goes to court. Settlements can take a couple of months to a few years to complete.
Related Article: How Long Does a Car Accident Claim Take to Settle?
Do You Have To Go To Court For A Car Accident?
Most car accident claims will settle outside of court. The court process is lengthy and expensive, and usually, the defendant will want to avoid a court battle if they can. However, if the circumstances of your case do lead to a court case, then your lawyer will have already have built up a strong defense and will be ready to stand by you in court.
Related Article: Do You Have to Go to Court for a Car Accident?
What Are Your Car Insurance Responsibilities in a No-Fault State Such as Florida?
The State of Florida is covered by no-fault insurance law. This can have serious implications on an accident injury claim if drivers do not adhere to the law.
Florida Statue 627.7407 lays out the law regarding the no-fault status of Florida. What no-fault law means is that each driver deals with their own insurance company to make their claim. This is true no matter who was at fault in the car accident or who received the injury.
To cover this process, Florida law requires every single driver to possess personal injury protection insurance, also known as PIP.
The Limitations of Personal Injury Protection Insurance in Florida
The limits to personal injury protection (PIP) insurance in the State of Florida are laid out in Florida Statute 627.736.
This statute states that the insurance company of each driver is only responsible for a maximum amount of up to $10,000 in disability or medical payouts for any injuries incurred as a result of car accidents. The figure lies at $5,000 for death benefits in the event that a car accident involves a fatality.
This represents yet another reason why having the support of an experienced lawyer is so important in the State of Florida. Any claim that exceeds these limitations can only be achieved by filing a lawsuit. For this process, you would need an attorney to avoid becoming tied up in the various confusing complexities of Florida law.
If you have been injured in a serious way or received a lifelong handicap, or if you have lost a loved one, the damages you are owed are very likely to exceed the limitations covered by personal injury protection insurance.
What Lawyer Deals With Car Accidents?
A personal injury lawyer offers legal services to people who have been injured in car accidents due to negligence.
Personal injury lawyers who specialize in fighting car accident cases, such as those at The Law Place, are also called car accident lawyers in the state of Florida.
Related Article: What Lawyer Deals with Car Accidents?
How do I Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer?
In order to give yourself the best shot at a positive outcome, you need to know that you have a good quality lawyer. You should spend time reading client reviews and speak to a few different law firms to decide who you find to be most trustworthy. You should ask them about their experiences in cases similar to yours and for personal testimony from their previous clients.
Related Article: How do I Find a Good Car Accident Lawyer?
How Much Will it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
Price is something that puts many people off pursuing claims following car accidents. However, we handle all of our cases on a contingency basis.
What this means is that our car accident lawyers operate in such a way that raising a personal injury claim will cost you nothing at all. All our payments will be taken in a percentage fee that will be subtracted from your settlement.
This means that there would be no fee in the event that your car accident case was unsuccessful. You receive all of the benefits of retaining an attorney with none of the risk.
We believe no one should have to incur any risk to claim for a car accident that is not their fault. The contingency work done by each attorney is strictly monitored by The State Bar Association, so you can be sure that there will be no hidden fees or nasty surprises.
If you have any other questions regarding our contingency work or would like to find out more, contact an attorney at our office using the number at the bottom of the page today.
Related Article: How Much Will it Cost to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?
What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?
While all car accidents are different in their own way, there is a general sequence of events that is common in the way we approach all personal injury claims for car accidents.
First, we will conduct a free consultation and case evaluation. This is standard procedure for all claims, whether they are related to car accidents or not. This gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you would like us to answer. It also gives us a good idea of what level of compensation you could be owed for your car accident. These consultations will cost you nothing and be at no obligation.
The next step is the collection of evidence and the assembling of a solid case. We will look closely at the scene of the car accident and contact every possible driver who was nearby at the time, whether they were the driver of the car at fault or simply a driver who could give us an eyewitness statement. Often, we employ personal investigators for a more thorough evidence collection process.
Beyond speaking to each driver and surveying the scene of the accident, there are many more tools in our legal arsenal. We have access to accident re-enactment teams who can give us a professional opinion of what took place in the event of your crash.
Once we have assembled the most air-tight case possible, the process will depend on the severity of the accident that the victim driver experienced.
It may be possible to negotiate a favorable settlement with the insurance company. However, it may be the case that we need to take the matter to court.
In the event of a civil lawsuit, we will pursue the maximum amount of compensation that you are owed with our experience, integrity, and tenacity. Many of our attorneys are AVVO 10.0 rated. If you are not successful, the entire process will cost you nothing at all.
If this process sounds appealing to you, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call our contact telephone number today.
Related Article: What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?
Should I Hire A Car Accident Lawyer For A Minor Accident?
In Florida, you are entitled to have PIP coverage, which will cover damage to your vehicle and medical bills up to the limits of your policy, regardless of who was at fault. However, if your damages exceed your coverage or you feel that you are being treated unfairly by your insurance, then you will still need a car accident lawyer.
Whatever the circumstances, you should call up for a free consultation and seek initial advice. What do you have to lose? At the very least, you will be armed with more information about how to handle your case.
Related Article: Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?
Contact The Law Place Today
Car accidents are one of the leading sources of personal injury claims in Florida and across America. If you have been injured and it was not your fault in the last four years, you could be entitled to compensation.
Our legal team is highly experienced at winning compensation in claims involving car accidents. We also offer our work on a contingency basis, which will cost you nothing at all if your claim is unsuccessful. There has never been less risk in fighting for the compensatory justice you deserve.
For a free consultation where we can answer any of your questions about your car accident claim, call our office in Sarasota today. All calls are completely free, at no obligation, and we operate our lines constantly to work around any busy schedule you may have.
The number for our Sarasota office is (941) 444-4444.