A rollover car accident can be extremely dangerous; they have amounted to some of the highest fatality rates. Vehicles at the highest risk would be a tall vehicle with high centers of gravity, but it’s important to recognize any car or truck can rollover. An accident like this can cause severe physical injuries, such as head injuries and broken bones, as well as being some of the most emotionally traumatic accidents to experience.
Because of how severe this form of an auto accident can be, the damages usually available aren’t always entirely covered by a Tampa car insurance company or policies. At our law firm, The Law Place, our team of dedicated accident attorneys understand how distressing rollover accidents can be, for this reason, we will offer a free consultation to review your case. Our phone lines are open 24 hours, seven days a week, operating from Tampa, FL, so contact us today on (941) 444-4444.
What to Do After Being Involved in a Rollover Accident in Tampa
If you are reading this at the scene of the rollover, then here is some important advice for you if you are in a well enough state:
- Check for injuries – Check yourself, passengers, and people in other vehicles for any injuries. If anyone requires medical attention, then call 911 immediately.
- Call the police – Under Florida Statute 316.062, if anybody is injured or substantial property damage has occurred, it is paramount you call the police. The report they file could be important in your case going forward.
- Gather any necessary information – It is helpful to get photos of the scene and information from witnesses too to aid in your case being successful.
- Call your car insurance – You are required to inform your insurance company if you have been involved in an accident. It is, however, important to keep in mind that anything you say could be used to devalue your claim. If you are worried about doing this, The Law Place can contact them for you on your behalf.
Why Do Rollover Accidents Occur in Tampa?
Statistics presented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that rollover accidents possess the second-highest fatality rates in the US, following head-on crashes. Accidents where a vehicle rolls over amount up to around 33% of all traffic accident fatalities each year.
A rollover accident usually happens due to a vehicle “tripping” A trip occurs because of the vehicle hitting a pothole, curb, a loose patch of gravel, or guardrail. This then causes the tires of the vehicle to lose contact with the road and hence disturbing its forward motion. This disturbance results in the vehicle rolling sideways or forward, and commonly, it is then hit by an oncoming car or truck. Tripping accounts for about 95% of all rollover accidents.
The most common causes behind a rollover accident in the Tampa Bay area include:
- Alcohol or drug use by the driver.
- Speeding over the limit.
- Driver age and experience, it was found that drivers under the age of 25 are more likely to be involved in a rollover accident.
- Distracted or dangerous driving, such as texting whilst driving or being unsafe whilst overtaking.
- Defective vehicle design, this is most common amongst older pickup trucks and SUVs.
- Bad weather conditions.
Typical Injuries Caused by Rollover Accidents
Any type of car accident can lead to a range of injuries varying in severity, even as far as death. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reported that in 2018 alone, there were over 6,500 fatalities nationwide in rollover accidents, proving how severe such an accident can be. During a car accident where the vehicle rolls over, the victims are violently tossed around. This leaves them exposed and extremely vulnerable to injuries such as:
- Post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Neck and spine injuries.
- Strains and sprains.
- Broken bones, broken arms, wrists, and ribs are very common after a rollover accident.
- Lacerations caused by the vehicle components broken during the rollover.
- Brain and head injuries.
- Wrongful death.
After having experienced any form of a car accident, including a rollover accident, it is important to prioritize your health. For this reason, it is in your best interest to get in contact with a personal injury lawyer or an accident lawyer quickly. Personal injury and accident attorneys, such as those at The Law Place, can take over the investigation so that you can focus solely on your physical and mental recovery.
Common Damages Following a Car Accident in Tampa
After having experienced an auto accident such as a rollover in Tampa, the damages you should receive are likely to be extensive if the right accident lawyer works your case. Such damages include:
- Loss of earnings – If you have lost any wages or lost earning potential due to the injuries sustained and the consequent time off or inability to work, then you should be able to claim for this.
- Current and future medical expenses – A rollover accident can bring about multiple injuries that require medical attention. The medical bills for any treatment you receive, past, present, and future should be compensated to you via damages.
- Property damage – It is likely that your vehicle would have been damaged, so the cost of repairing the said vehicle in Tampa will be covered.
- Pain and suffering – Pain and suffering damages are designed to compensate for any mental suffering and/or loss of enjoyment if you have been left unable to participate in activities you once were able to. These damages can be difficult to quantify, so you will require a personal injury lawyer on your side to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.
- Loss of a loved one – In the very unfortunate scenario that you have lost a loved one in an auto accident, then you will be able to claim compensation for any funeral expenses you encounter and loss of consortium. If your loved one passed away in a Tampa rollover accident, you could recover damages in a wrongful death lawsuit under Florida Statute 768.21.
When experiencing the fallout of a car accident, it is crucial that you enlist the help of a personal injury lawyer in the Tampa Bay area to fight for your rights to compensation. Phone The Law Place today to receive a free case evaluation. Our law firm will explain to you if we believe you have a strong claim for compensation and will answer any questions you may have so you can decide how you’d best like to proceed.
Statute of Limitations on a Rollover Car Accident Case
It is recommended to contact a law firm, such as The Law Place, as soon as your injuries allow following your accident. The state of Florida enforces strict deadlines on how long a person has to file a civil lawsuit following any accidents.
Per Florida Statute 95.11, victims of negligence accidents generally are limited to having a maximum of 48 months to file a personal injury lawsuit. For a wrongful death lawsuit, the deadline is reduced further to typically only 24 months. If this time limit elapses before you have taken legal action, then it could prevent you from being able to recover compensation for any damages you deserve in a lawsuit.
We can discuss what legal deadlines may apply to your case when you call The Law Place for a free consultation today.
What a Personal Injury Lawyer in Tampa Can Do for Your Case
Research has found that more than 90% of victims who receive legal help from a car accident lawyer get a payout at the end of their case, the average payout being 60% more than those who do not enlist representation. This, of course, depends on the case at hand.
Following an accident, do consider contacting The Law Place for a free consultation. Our law firm will be able to provide you or your loved one with free, no-obligation advice. Our dedicated team will evaluate as to whether we think you have a valid claim, and if you decide you do want to proceed with representation, we will arrange an in-depth meeting to discuss all avenues. This meeting will be used to explain what we at The Law Place can do for you and how our fee structure works.
If, after a consultation, you do decide that you do not want representation for your case at this point, then that is also no problem! But if you do, then our team of lawyers, possessing 75 years of experience, will take over the investigation for you so that you can focus on getting better mentally and physically.
Our team is confident that if you choose us as your representation for your injury case that we will most likely succeed. However, if, for whatever reason, your claim is found to be unsuccessful, you will not pay anything – a no win no fee guarantee!
Speak to The Law Place Today!
Get in touch with The Law Place today for a free consultation on (941) 444-4444. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for your convenience. We recognize that no amount of money can make up for how such a serious accident may have altered your life, but it can ease some of the stress that comes from paying for the aftermath of an accident.
At The Law Place, we understand that accidents of this caliber are often very traumatic, and we are prepared to stand by your side through every step of your case and support you against the insurance company in question so that you can focus wholly on your health and ultimate recovery.