When you get into a car, you don’t expect anything bad to happen, but unfortunately, over 6 million people in the United States experience a crash every year. The aftermath of a car accident can drastically change your life and often has a profound emotional impact. Back and neck injuries are some of the most …
How Do You Treat a Neck Injury?
Following an accident, you need to be concerned about both your neck and your back. Neck and back injuries following car accidents or slips/falls are common, and they can have long-term and serious health consequences. While most injuries are immediately apparent, it is not uncommon for neck pain to be delayed. Following an accident, you …
How Do I Know If My Neck Injury Is Serious?
Neck and spinal cord injuries both fall into the category of soft tissue injuries. These injuries can include a sprain or strain, contusion, laceration, and/or repetitive strain injuries, such as tendinitis. These are different from a broken or fractured bone in the sense that most soft tissue injuries will be able to heal themselves over …