A personal injury lawsuit is a specific legal term used to describe any lawsuit raised as a result of an injury to a victim’s body, mind, or emotions. These lawsuits are generally when a plaintiff or victim has suffered injuries or harm to their physical body or mental well being through no fault of their own.
They are usually filed against a person or business who the victim believes is responsible in some way for their injuries. This can be through negligence, reckless behavior, or intentional motives.
At The Law Place, we believe it is your right to gain compensation when you have a personal injury if another party is at fault. If you think you have a claim, call us on (941) 444-4444 for some no-obligation advice.
What Personal Injury Lawsuits Can I File?
Personal injury lawsuits have seen a massive surge in popularity. Before the industrial revolution in the 19th century, they were non-existent.
Here are the most common types of personal injury lawsuits:

Road Traffic Accidents
Road traffic accidents make up over 45% of personal injury claims made in the U.S. It doesn’t matter if you were in a vehicle, a passenger, a cyclist, or a pedestrian. If you have been in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, this may warrant a lawsuit.

Public Place Negligence
Another popular type of personal injury lawsuit is when an injury happens in a public place like a gym or a shop. If the accident has been caused by negligence, like a wet floor without signs or uneven flooring, you might be able to claim against the owner of the business as they have a duty of care to everyone entering their premises.

Work Place Accidents
Nobody deserves to go to work healthy and come home injured. Every single year thousands of Americans are hurt on the job. If this accident wasn’t your fault and it could have been prevented, you will most likely be able to claim. Common examples of this are construction sites with poor signage, like open trenches.

Medical Malpractice
When we go to a medical professional, we expect them to be competent and trained to a level that is suitable for their profession. When mistakes are made, and it is due to bad training and you are left with serious injuries you didn’t have before you went into the hospital, you are likely to win a claim for medical malpractice faults.
Product Liability
Most businesses adhere to stringent rules during the manufacturing process of their products. They usually take the initiative to test them before launching them in the market for consumption. Still, some defective products find their way into the market, and they can result in certain injuries to consumers.
If you were to encounter an injury due to a defective or unsafe product, you could file a personal injury claim against the distributor or the manufacturer of the product for their liability.
Defamation Claims
Personal injury cases don’t just have to be physical injuries. Sometimes they can be emotional. Defamation claims, for instance, involves statements that can damage your reputation, especially if publicized. It may also be slander. Some of the injuries you would encounter include disgrace, personal humiliation, lost earnings, or lost earning capacity.
Construction Injuries
The construction industry is highly regulated but remains dangerous. The physical demands of the job usually result in significant injuries. Construction sites are typically filled with hazardous materials, equipment, and substances, and possible falling objects and debris. There is always a chance that someone will get injured in a construction site.
Dog Bites
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but this does not stop them from attacking. Millions of people are bitten by dogs each year, with thousands of them ending up in the hospital as a result. Most of the time, the dog owners are held accountable, but this may vary from state.
Some states have “strict liability” where dog owners are legally responsible for the bite or attack. The dog may have never been aggressive, and it may never have bitten anyone else before, but the owner is still held accountable. In other states, the owner is only held accountable, provided they knew that their dog was dangerous and had the potential to attack.
Contact The Law Place
If you have suffered any of the above injuries and you feel that it was through no fault of your own, don’t suffer in silence. We offer a free consultation where you can find out where you stand and get some free, unbiased advice on your case.
We have over 75 years of dealing with thousands of cases across all the categories discussed here and will be able to offer quick and easy aid. If you agree to representation, we do all the hard work for you and usually work on a no win no fee basis, so you pay nothing to hire us, only a percentage of your compensation if we win. Call us on (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation today.