Suffering an injury is a horrible affair, depending on the severity of the accident, the effect it can have on peoples day to day lives can be range from mild, to severe.
Suffering an injury that isn’t your fault, is even worse. However, in the scenario that you have been injured by someone else, or because of someone else’s actions, you may be entitled to seek compensation for the damages caused to you or your property.
If you live in the state of Florida and suspect you fall into the latter category, get in touch with The Law Place. At The Law Place. Our team of well-trained attorneys has over 75 years of combined experience in dealing with Personal Injury claims in Florida. Let us save you time effort and energy by securing you a settlement that you will be happy about. Get in touch today on 941-444-4444!
Can You Sue Someone for Hurting You?
If you have been received an injury as a result of someone else’s actions, you may be unsure of what to do next. You may be facing high medical bills, the inability to go to work, or potentially, emotional trauma.
If you are in this situation, do not worry, there is help available. By Florida state laws, any party that is responsible for damaging another person or their property, are liable to pay compensation for any damages incurred.
The process of obtaining this compensation is called a personal injury lawsuit. You may be able to seek compensation for a variety of reasons. Here are the types of Punitive Damages, that you may be able to seek compensation for:
- Medical – As part of a successful compensation claim, you will be covered for all past and future medical treatment costs relating to your injury. This includes paying for medical devices and transportation to and from any medical appointments in your claim.
- Wages– If your accident has led to time off work or unpaid leave, do not worry. In a successful workers’ compensation claim, 100% of your lost wages are covered. If your injury is more serious and you can no longer work, the claim should cover the difference in your earnings too.
- Pain and suffering – If you are suffering from pain, discomfort, or health problems as a result of a personal injury, you should be able to sue for compensation. This is one of the reasons you should keep a journal of your mental health and physical health following an accident. With pain and suffering, insurance companies tend to use a suffering multiplier. This is where they calculate your financial losses and multiply it by a number between 1.5-5 depending on severity. This gives them the amount of compensation that they believe you are deserving of.
- Emotional – If you suffer mental damage due to your injuries, you should be able to sue for this as well. Emotional damages can be awarded for things like anxiety disorders and PTSD.
- Vehicle repair – Obviously, if someone has damaged your car, you will be able to claim the entirety of the costs for any repairs or the purchase of a new vehicle.
- Punitive damages – All other types of damages focus on what you have lost as a result of the accident. Punitive damages claims focus more on the negligence of the other party. Gross carelessness or wrongdoing can lead to punishment for the culprit.
All of these damages combined are designed to help an accident victim return to their normal lives, to put them back in a position they were in before the accident.

Is It Worth Suing Someone Who Has No Money?
When you have been involved in a personal injury that isn’t your fault, you are entitled to file a lawsuit against the other party to claim any losses you have incurred as part of an injury.
So what happens if you decide to file a lawsuit against a party that has no money? Is It worth it?
The answer to this question changes on a case by case basis. When you file a lawsuit against a party for a personal injury you have received, you usually do it for two reasons.
- To seek compensation.
- To seek closure for being wronged.
In cases where the defendant has no money, seeking compensation can be difficult, and often results in little to no payout. You can, however, seek a judgment against them. This judgment will allow you to seek compensation at a later date if the other party has changed their financial status.
Also, for those that are seeking moral justice for being wronged, filing a lawsuit might still be your prerogative.

How Do I Sue a Company for Personal Injury?
If the personal injury you have received was in the workplace, you are entitled to make a workers’ compensation claim. A lawsuit against an employer is no different from a lawsuit against an individual.
Workers’ compensation can be claimed by anyone who has received an injury that isn’t their fault.
You can file for several reasons, including:
- Industry diseases.
- Construction accidents.
- Injuries from bad health and safety.
- Vibration white finger (HAVS).
- Disease caused by Asbestos.
- Falling from height.
- Factory hearing loss.
- Repetitive strain injury.
To make a claim, make sure that you obtain as much of this information as soon as it is safe and viable to do so:
- Witness Statements.
- Record the accident in the accident book (Legal Requirement).
- Medical report from your doctor.
- Proof of any expenses that you have covered due to your injury. i.e., medical bills, transport bills, and loss of lifestyle.
- Photographs of the scene of the accident are really helpful when you file a case. CCTV footage is even better and may strengthen your chances of a successful case.
sIf you are thinking about claiming for workers’ compensation, but are wary or worried about your employers, we have you covered. By getting in touch with our Law Firm, you will receive the best legal advice. Whether it is a claim for workers compensation, a civil lawsuit case, or a car accident, every one of our team is a highly trained personal injury lawyer.
Nobody deserves to be injured on the job.

How Long Do I Have to Sue for Work-Related Injuries?
Florida Statute 95.11, states that after a work-related accident, the claimant has two years to make a claim. There are several exceptions to this, however, and the laws can be complex.
If you have been injured at work and are unsure whether you are entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim, we highly suggest you get in touch with us.
When you get in touch, your case will be paired with an amazing personal injury lawyer from our well respected and reputable team.

Speak to a Legal Professional Today
If you are still unsure as to your rights, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at The Law Place. Take the headache out of the civil lawsuit, workplace, and car accident claims. Let us do the hard work for you. Our phone lines are always open, so contact us today for a free consultation. We will make a quick assessment of your case and, at the very least, can offer some unbiased and honest advice.
Get in touch today on 941-444-4444!