In America today, truck accidents are some of the worst accidents on the roads. Compared to a regular car accident, which comes with its own strains and stresses, truck accidents cases, due to the sheer nature of the vehicle means that it is much more likely to cause serious injuries that result in life-altering complications, or in the worst cases, death. Components such as the bulk, weight, and overall size of a large truck further increase its ability to crush vehicles, contribute to multiple-car pile-ups, and add complications, like spillages.
If you or a loved one have been involved in a truck accident in the last four years, it is worth seeking legal assistance to help you during this time. Here at The Law Place, we have a team full of lawyers who specialize in truck accident cases and will be able to guide you through the legal process with ease. Upon getting into contact with us, you will receive a free case evaluation, and our team of truck accident attorneys can help you work towards achieving the compensation you deserve.
To speak to a truck accident attorney today, contact us over the telephone at a time that is most convenient for you. Our telephone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, making no time a bad one to get in touch. Call today on (941) 444-4444 to start your case.
The Difference Between a Car Accident and a Truck Accident
An accident is an accident at the end of the day, but there are certain variables that make a truck accident case different, so it is important to understand these differences. Trucks can come in various different forms, such as a semi-truck or a tractor-trailer style truck. No matter what kind of truck accident case you are facing, they all come with life-altering consequences for everyone involved.
Listed below are some of the situations that occur on the road that can lead to a personal injury case involving trucks:
- Environmental conditions – For example, weather conditions or wildlife making its way onto roads.
- Road maintenance problems – For example uneven roads, road works, or issues involving potholes.
- Reckless driving – Each driver must maintain a duty of care when driving. If they fail to meet this duty of care, an accident will likely occur.
Dealing With Insurance Companies
If you or a loved one have been involved in any kind of truck accident, it is important that you contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it is common for insurance companies to try and take advantage of you in intricate ways, which is why it is even more important that you have an experienced truck accident attorney on your side who can help you dodge any of these loopholes.
It is important to have the right evidence collated before you contact your insurance company. The phone conversations you will initially have are likely to be recorded, and the company can use it as evidence to try and lower your claim. It is important that you try and tell them as little information as possible, and it is advisable that you do not sign any paperwork without talking to your personal injury lawyer first. This means they will be able to brief you on the important details to disclose and guide you through the process with ease.
In some truck accident cases, it could be that a lawsuit is not necessary, and instead, a negotiated settlement with the insurance company could suffice. However, as imagined, reaching a negotiation can be tricky. This is why it is important to maintain a strong attorney-client relationship with your truck accident lawyer. In most cases, insurance companies don’t accept first offers. They have teams who work specifically to rebut details of the claim to try and lower the value. Your attorney can assist you by providing clear and concise evidence that will make it very difficult for them to reject the insurance claim. At The Law Place, we have a team full of lawyers who are well-versed in the practices of insurance companies and are fully aware of the tricks of the trade. No matter what kind of opposition we face, we work tirelessly to help you get both the compensation and justice you deserve. Once you call us, you will receive your free consultation, and the work can begin.
The Black Box in Trucking Accidents
The presence of the black box inside the truck is a key form of evidence that your attorney can use when negotiating with insurance companies. This component is also something that separates truck accidents apart from normal car accident cases. It is a requirement for commercial trucks over a certain weight to have a black box installed. They are used to record crucial information in the event of a truck crash or accident.
Listed below are the various types of information that the black box can record, which your truck accident lawyer can utilize:
- The speed that the truck was going at the time of the accident.
- Tracking the breaking patterns of the truck as it was moving. This is important evidence for your attorney, as it can determine if the truck driver was driving recklessly.
- The level of force and impact that occurred during the accident. This will contribute towards evidence of damage and personal injury results.
- It will be able to show if warning lights were signaled or indicate any other kind of mechanical failures that occurred. This could highlight negligence that led to a truck driver causing an accident.
Trying to recover the black box can be somewhat problematic, especially in cases where trucking corporations do not willingly hand over information that could be detrimental to them. However, with the help of your truck accident lawyer, it can become easier. With their experience in dealing with trucking companies and other cases that are similar to yours, they have the skill and determination to collate all the evidence that is necessary so that you do not fall victim to tricks.
What Damages Can I Recover After a Truck Accident?
There are several lines of damages that your truck accident lawyer can assist in helping you recover after an accident. Listed below are some of these damages and what you are entitled to:
- Property damages – This is overlooked by many but is still important in the aftermath of an accident. Many people may not be financially stable enough to be able to afford replacement vehicles if there is quite a lot of damage. For some, having a truck could be a vital requirement for their job, which further contributes to financial difficulties.
- Medical costs – Depending on the severity of the accident, medical costs can rack up quite a lot of expenses. If you require medical attention after an accident, be sure to keep any documents and bills associated with it. This allows your attorney clear evidence to work with when getting back these costs for you.
- Pain and suffering – This can mean a multitude of things, but it mainly refers to any emotional stress or trauma that has occurred as a result of the accident. Equally, it also accounts for any disability, physical impairments, disfigurements, or scarring that has happened as a result of the accident.
- Wrongful death – In the worst cases, a loss of life could occur. Although no amount of compensation will ever heal this kind of loss, you are still entitled to ease some of the burden. Funeral and burial costs can be expensive, and in some cases, this death could mean a significant loss in family income.
Contact The Law Place Today
For all the reasons listed above, it is important that you hire a truck accident lawyer. This isn’t a process that you should attempt to deal with on your own, and by hiring a truck accident lawyer, you stand a much better chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.
When you call, you will receive a free case evaluation from a member of our highly skilled team. It is non-obligatory, and the information you decide to share will be protected by us. The sooner you decide to contact us, the better it will be for your case. Do not let the complexities of the law stand in the way of you beginning the legal process. That is what we are here for!
Our phone lines are available around the clock, at a time that is best for you. Call us today on (941) 444-4444 to begin the steps towards justice.