If you are a citizen of Bradenton county, in the State of Florida, or the entirety of the United States, a felony is easily considered to be one of the most serious crimes a person can commit. If you are convicted of this crime, the consequences could lead to a long period in prison, extortionate fines, as well as having it added to your criminal record permanently. The periods of time in prison, as well as the fines, are heavily dependent on the circumstances surrounding your crime. If you have been arrested for a felony charge, it is crucial that you seek legal advice immediately. Here at The Law Place, we have a team full of experienced Bradenton criminal defense lawyers who can offer you information as well as legal advice, offering you guidance and support during this uncertain time. We offer a free, no-obligation consultation where you can explain the details surrounding your case, and we can begin to work on your defense case.
Our phone lines are open day and night, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – so no time is a bad time to contact us. Call us on (941) 444-4444 and receive a free consultation with a highly skilled defense lawyer.
Types of Felony Offences in Bradenton, FL.
Felonies vary and have several different definitions, so it is important to understand this. They are defined as serious crimes, but punishments can vary from one year in prison to the death sentence, depending on the circumstance. As defined by Floridian law, the following listed crimes are considered to be a felony in the county of Bradenton, FL.:
- Homicide or murder.
- Aggravated assault or battery.
- Burglary.
- Carrying a concealed weapon.
- Child abuse.
- Carjacking
- Domestic violence.
- Drug crimes, such as the trafficking, possession, or sale of illegal drugs.
- Felony DUI.
- Kidnapping.
- Resisting or assaulting an officer using violence.
- Robbery.
- Sex crimes, including rape, molestation, and sexual battery.
- Stalking.
- Grand theft, or the stealing of property, such as a car.
Something that a lot of the above crimes have in common is that they indicate violence towards another person or causing serious injury and, in some cases, death. Therefore, some of the punishments that can follow a felony are severe. It is also worth noting that, in some cases, due to the extent of injuries, a person can be charged with multiple felony crimes.
If you are a citizen of Bradenton, FL., it is crucial that you seek legal advice and support as soon as possible to minimize penalties against you. At The Law Place, one of our Bradenton criminal defense lawyers, who are highly experienced in felony cases similar to yours, will be able to guide you through this legal process.
Penalties for Felony Crimes in Bradenton, FL.
Felonies are felonies, but what makes them different in the State of Florida is that, in some cases, a numerical value is assigned to the offense. This is done to categorize what kind of felony is associated with the crime in question. This system of ranking is still used today and was created by the Florida State Legislature. It is structured around a points-based system. To put it into context: the higher that the criminal offense ranks, the more points it possesses.
As defined in Florida Statute 755.081, felonies are categorized under the following:
- Capital felony – This is the most serious felony that can be committed. Its punishment is life imprisonment without parole, or in some cases, the death penalty. An example of a capital felony would be first-degree murder.
- Life felony – Similar to a capital felony, a life felony is punishable by life imprisonment and a fine of up to $15,000.
- First-degree felony – This kind of felony comes with a punishment of 30 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. An example of a first-degree felony is aggravated battery.
- Second-degree felony – A second-degree felony is a crime like burglary, which could lead to 15 years in prison as well as $10,000 in fines.
- Third-degree felony – A third-degree penalty, one of the less severe felonies, results in 5 years imprisonment as well as $5,000 in fines.
As stated in Florida Statute 775.084, the State of Florida operates under a ‘three strikes, and you’re out’ scheme. This means that if the defendant has been sentenced for two or more felonies and has committed a third there will be more severe punishment.
Consequences of a Felony Conviction in Bradenton, FL.
It is undeniable that if you are convicted as guilty of a felony crime in Bradenton, the consequences for you and your loved ones are life-crushing. It is something that will remain on your permanent record for life. If you are convicted of a felony, you will be placed under restrictions by the State of Florida in order to protect society. This means you will struggle in the following areas:
- Being considered for employment or a promotion within current employment
- Being able to maintain current employment in specific professions. E.g., The care sector.
- The ability to qualify for government housing benefits.
- Enrolling in school or college.
- Running for office.
- Possess and purchase a firearm.
- The right to vote.
- Travelling outside of the US.
- Fighting for parental rights.
On a more positive note, some of the rights mentioned above can possibly be restored over time. However, many remain for life. Additionally, some felons are subject to routine regulations, such as drug/alcohol sobriety treatments.
No-one wants to be in this frightening position. For reasons such as these, it is monumental that you do everything in your power to prevent having such serious charges associated with your name. To achieve this, you need the help of one of our Bradenton criminal defense lawyers at The Law Place. Please do not hesitate, contact us today for your free consultation to begin your defense process.
Building Your Bradenton, FL., Defense Case
In order to avoid such serious consequences, your Bradenton criminal defense lawyer will fight with all the viable defenses that are relevant to your case. In the case of a felony, there are multiple options. Read below what could be applicable to you:
- Double jeopardy – If the rules apply to your case, this defense can be guaranteed under the United States Constitution. It states that you cannot be tried for the same crime twice after a conviction or acquittal has been reached.
- Duress – If there is evidence within your case that clearly presents that you were forced to act in a certain way, and the felony crime was committed under a threat of death or serious bodily injury.
- Entrapment – This is when you commit a crime under the guidance of law enforcement as part of a scheme.
- Infancy – You are of an age that is not of criminal responsibility.
- Lack of capacity – This refers to a situation where you did not have control over your actions due to an altered state. This can mean mental illness or disability, also. For example, you may have been under the influence of prescription drugs that were legally prescribed to you.
- The mistake of fact – This refers to your unawareness of knowing that your actions were illegal.
- Necessity or duress – This refers to an instance of when you were under threats, or there was some sort of emergency, thus resulting in the crime being committed to avoid serious harm to yourself or others.
- Self-defense – You feared serious bodily injury or death and had to use deadly force in order to prevent it.
Statute of Limitations in Bradenton, FL.
It is common practice that any sort of criminal prosecution within Bradenton, FL., must begin with the statute of limitations laid out in Florida Statute 775.15. This is the period of time that begins to run once the crime has been committed. The defendant must be charged before the statute of limitations has passed, or they cannot be charged. Depending on the crime, this period can be longer when compared to those of minor crimes. In cases of life or capital felonies, there is no deadline. In the case of a first-degree felony, there is a four-year limitation period. After this, other felony crimes have a limitation period of three years. Again, this is dependent on the crime and the circumstances in which it was committed. An experienced criminal defense attorney will be able to decipher the details and help you understand the statute of limitations process more clearly. In order to gain this understanding, contact us today for your free consultation.
What a Bradenton Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Do for You
At The Law Place, we promise to support you from the very beginning of the process. We pride ourselves in our experience of Florida law relating to felony crimes. We will work with you to exercises these laws, as well as obtaining all essential evidence that could benefit your case, such as police and witness reports. Our team boasts 75 years of collective experience, meaning we know how to analyze the case presented by the prosecution and defend it in your favor.
Unbeknownst to many, negations have become increasingly more common in more recent years within the State of Florida. We promise to try and minimize your charges as much as possible, striving for the justice you deserve. If we cannot negotiate a plea deal, we will be by your side during your trial. It is imperative to know that you should never accept any kind of plea deal without consulting your criminal defense attorney first. Although at the time it might sound tempting, you need someone with a legal lens to look over it first, as it might not be the right choice for you.
Something which is unique to our law firm is that not just one criminal defense lawyer will look over your case. Our whole team of criminal defense lawyers will analyze it. This means you will benefit from a combination of knowledge and expertise for the price of one lawyer!
At The Law Place, our attorney-client relationships are incredibly important to us. They are built on foundations of trust and honesty. Call us now and get the process of your defense started.
Contact The Law Place Bradenton, FL., Today
As mentioned previously, the consequences that surround a felony crime are incredibly serious, and in so many cases, totally life-altering. This is something that you and your loved ones shouldn’t attempt to fight alone, which is why you need consistent legal support throughout this time. You need a criminal defense attorney on your side who is going to fight for all of your rights on your behalf under Florida law.
At The Law Place, we have fought and won many cases that are similar to yours – helping thousands of people like you across the entire State of Florida, including Bradenton. It is our goal to fight for and protect your rights during this stressful time.
The sooner you call, the better, and we can begin to path the process of building the defense you deserve. Contact us today at (941) 444-4444 for a free consultation with one of our Bradenton criminal defense lawyers.